
Leader – Reedstar
Reedstar is a slender golden brown tabby tom with metallic green eyes. He is protective and strong spirited with a longing for a purpose in life. He thinks being a leader will show him his purpose and help him to lead his clan with more knowledge and strength than ever before. He met up with Silence, Blazepelt and Stormgaze and decided with them that they would rebuild the clans as a duty to their ancestors. He is head strong and intelligent with a love of kits. His mate is Pebblestream and he loves her more than anything else in the world.

Deputy – Swiftriver
Swiftriver is a dark brown tabby tom with electric blue eyes. He is quiet and bold with a soft side for kits. He can seem a bit isolated but he likes to have time alone to think and isn’t afraid to speak his mind to anyone, even his best friend, Reedstar. He finds it hard to open up to anyone but tries to be as open minded as possible.

Medicine Cat – Softwillow
Softwillow is a small and lithe she-cat with a light grey tabby pelt and blue eyes. She may seem small and quiet while she works but when she isn’t healing her clanmates she is outgoing and fun loving with a wild side. She is a great hunter and fighter, despite her being a medicine cat and uses her great sense of smell to hunt for herbs. She has kits from before her clan life, Hollowkit, Ashkit, and Scorchkit. Her brother is Firetalon and her sister is Ripplefang.

Warrior – Firetalon
Firetalon is a strong, muscular pale ginger tom with blue eyes. He is loud and brave but can be over protective of his sister and her kits. He is close to Softwillow and takes care of Hollowkit, Ashkit, and Scorchkit for her. He loves to be around other cats but is sensitive and easily offended. Firetalon is loyal and would never tell a lie. His other sister is Ripplefang and is just as close to her as he is to Softwillow.

Warrior – Hollyblaze
Hollyblaze is a black and grey she-cat with amber eyes. Hollyblaze is often considered bad luck since  her sister, Sparkfur was killed by a fox and her mother died during kitting. He only relative is her brother Nightclaw and he won’t talk to her in fear of dying from her ‘bad luck’. She is normally out going and free spirited but she becomes quiet and depressed when ever she sees her brother.

Warrior – Nightclaw
Nightclaw is a dark grey tom with green eyes. He is cool and collected with a terrific sense of humor. His sister is Hollyblaze but he doesn’t talk to her since he believes it is her ‘bad luck’ that killed their sister and mother. His father is unknown and he thinks that is Hollyblaze’s fault as well. He wishes he could apologize to his sister but is too afraid of her bad luck to speak to her. He is very superstitious and can be a scaredy cat sometimes.

Warrior - Ripplefang
Ripplefang is a she-cat with mottled white and deep brown fur and pale blue green eyes. She has a sharp tongue and is always quick to retort, yet is actually a nice cat. She is known for her fishing and battling skills and is one of the nicest cats you could ever meet. She isn’t afraid to break the rules but her principles define her. Her littermates are Firetalon and Softwilllow.

Warrior – Darkfang
Darkfang is a dark brown tabby with vivid green eyes. He is quiet and rarely speaks, only to express his opinion along with his brother, Vinefall’s.  He is intensely handsome with feelings for just about no one except his brother. Darkfang might get a mate if he finds the right she-cat but doubts he ever will. He hopes that he can find a way to help his brother from his silent period of his life.

Warrior – Vinefall
Vinefall is a silent but deadly pale ginger tom with forest green eyes. He was beaten by his twoleg owner as a kit, but escaped from his evil. He hasn’t spoken since his twoleg killed his mother by beating her to death just after kitting him and his brother Darkfang. Vinefall is strong and defiant but knows how to settle things without claws, or words. He would love a mate who understands him.

Warrior – Pebblestream
Pebblestream is a silver tabby she-cat with pure blue eyes. She loves to be around other cats and loves her mate Reedstar more than anything in the world. She enjoys hunting and battling but she knows that she can be a bit over reactive sometimes. She tries hard to control her temper but usually fails. She hasn’t told Reedstar yet but she is slightly pregnant with his kits.

Apprentice – Sorrowpaw (Sorrowgaze)
Sorrowpaw is a black and white she-cat with vibrant blue eyes. She is ill-tempered but tries to be nice to other cats as much as she can. She joined Splashclan with no name but chose to tell Reedstar her name was Sorrow, since she was depressed after living alone for her kithood. She is barely old enough to be an apprentice but Reedstar thought she was older than she actually is since she seems so mature. She has trouble enjoying herself but can find a warm sense of love in the nursery, helping Firetalon or Ripplefang take care of their sister’s kits. She thinks she loves Firetalon, despite their 7 moon age difference.

Apprentice – Ebonypaw (Ebonysnow)
Ebonypaw is a very dark brown and white she-cat with golden amber eyes. She is open and kind to any cat, but she has amnesia from before she arrived at camp due to a severe head injury. What she doesn’t know is that during the time she can’t remember a rogue forced her to get pregnant with him and she is almost ready to kit. She got her head injury escaping from the rogue; she jumped in the river and slammed her head on a rock as she thrashed her way to shore by the Trickleclan camp. Softwillow wants to take her on as an apprentice but she suspects she is pregnant and doesn’t want to go against her uncertainty. She is in love with Nettlepaw and hopes he feels the same way.

Apprentice – Nettlepaw (Nettlestorm)
Nettlepaw is a light and dark brown tabby tom with understanding hazel eyes. He is kind but can be overly brave and doesn’t think things through before he does them. He has a soft spot for kits and Ebonypaw, though he doubts she likes him back. Nettlepaw is skillful and fast, but isn’t very muscular; his brother Sandpaw is the opposite with muscles as large as a full grown toms. He resents his brother for being so good at everything.

Apprentice – Sandpaw (Sandslash)
Sandpaw is light and dark brown long-haired tom cat with pale green eyes. He is dark and strong with muscular haunches and shoulders. He is cocky and overly annoying with his bragging and complaints. His brother is Nettlepaw and he pushes him around for being so small and careful.  He calls him a soft kitty and acts like he is better than him. Sandpaw is actually calm and careful but feels he will get pushed around that way so he acts strong and cocky. He hopes he can find a cat to love him for his real self.

Kit – Hollowkit (Hollowspot)

Hollowkit is a pale creamy brown Bengal she-cat with and a ginger face with dark blue eyes. She is quiet and a bit of a loner. She is thin, quick, and muscular so she cat wrestle her brothers, Ashkit and Scorchkit, well. She loves her family and her and her littermates are very close. She can make friends easily but is afraid that she can’t trust all cats.

Kit – Ashkit (Ashpelt)
Ashkit is a pale grey tom with blue eyes and an outgoing character. He loves to fool around and gets into trouble with hit siblings all the time. He is good at being a nuisance to his kin, Firetalon, and loves to play Splashclan vs. Tribe of Killing Claws with his sister Hollowkit and brother Scorchkit. He is great at listening, despite his chatty nature, and loves to listen to Scarflank’s stories about the old clans.

Kit – Scorchkit (Scorchwind)
Scorchkit it a dark reddish brown and ginger long-haired tabby tom kit with amber eyes. He is loud and rambunctious, just like his brother Ashkit. His bossy sister is Hollowkit and he loves to wrestle with her, even if he does lose. He loves to fight and is determined to show Reedstar he can be a powerful warrior when he grows up. He tries to sneak out of camp but usually doesn’t make it far. He loves to play with his siblings and listen to the elders’ stories.

Elder – Scarflank
Scarflank is a brown tabby tom with green eyes and a missing hind leg. He lost his leg in the battle with the Tribe of Killing Claws, back when he was young and living in the old clans. He is happy to share his stories but he doesn’t like to be interrupted and he can have a short temper with kits and apprentices too earlier in the morning. Scarflank is always ready to fight, even without his fourth leg. He wishes he could still be a warrior.

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